Our president, Sergio RodrĂ­guez Royo, presented the most relevant institutional initiatives implemented during 2024. In addition, he provided details on the progress of the Strategic Plan 2030, highlighting the most important milestones in this great institutional challenge for the coming years.

During the session, the academic projects underway were also presented, emphasizing the efforts to strengthen our educational offerings. The implementation of the new Student Information System (SIS), a key proposal to optimize our operations and improve the student experience, was also highlighted. Priorities for 2025 were also discussed.

This meeting proved to be a fundamental space to align the staff with the institution's strategic direction and to foster a shared vision for Zamorano's continued growth and development.

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Zamorano signs Memorandum of Understanding with CAEI to strengthen sustainable development in Honduras and the region

On Monday, March 3rd, 2025, Zamorano had the privilege of hosting Mr. Benigno Trueba, Executive Vice President of the Consorcio Azucarero de Empresas Industriales (CAEI), along with Mr. Héctor León, CAEI’s Director of Human Resources, for a strategic visit. During this meeting, a Memorandum of (MOU) was signed between both institutions, strengthening a partnership aimed at enhancing agricultural education, productive projects, and innovative research in Honduras and the surrounding region.

Estudiantes de la MaestrĂ­a en Agronegocios de Zamorano visitan HATSA, Honduras American Tabaco S.A.

Zamorano Agribusiness Master's Students Visit HATSA, Honduras American Tabaco S.A.

Danlí, Honduras – As part of their integrative course, the 2024 Agribusiness Master's cohort from Zamorano University recently visited HATSA, Honduras American Tabaco S.A., in Danlí, Honduras. The group, made up of 14 students from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, and Ecuador, had the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the tobacco production process, from cultivation to industrial processing.